Friday, April 03, 2015

Rockin' It

We're expected at work to maintain a pretty broad set of rescue skills, and it can be difficult in Alaska to find the right combination of weather and environment to train well to all of them.  As a result, we sometimes end up going to places like Moab, Utah and Escalante Canyon, Colorado, to do things like rock rescue training.  Bummer.

I'd never been to Moab before, and only been to Utah once.  Needless to say, it was awesome being back in the Southwest.

We were there to practice rescue in vertical environments.  The toughest part of that type of rescue is generally the edge transition between vertical and horizontal, or vice versa.  It takes a lot of people to get it right.  In this case, sun-deprived Alaskans.

When hanging by a rope at the top of a 600-foot cliff strapped in to a litter waiting for your teammates to change their ropes system from a lower to a raise, you've got some time to think about consequences.

It doesn't make you, or the litter attendant, nervous at all...

We went from Moab to Escalante Canyon.  Equally beautiful, though far less traveled.

Escalante Canyon has got some sweet crack climbing.  Here's one of my teammates working his way up

Me cracking up.  I'd never done any crack climbing...definitely a different technique and a cool new challenge.

Another teammate after the crack.

Our final scenario was on the cliffs in the background of the photo.  We lowered a litter with an attendant to the ledge about 2/3 of the way down the cliff, loaded up the litter, then lowered it the rest of the way down the cliff.

It's a little faint in this photo, but we used a guiding line to move the litter over the 35 degree slope at the bottom of the cliff.  With all the large rocks on the slope, the guiding line was able to keep the litter about a foot off the ground without anyone having to carry it.  Pretty cool technique.  Overall, the training was great and we had nothing but bluebird days and nights spent sleeping under the stars.  Pretty awesome.

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Valdez Winter(ish) Trip

President's Day was a long weekend, so Jess and our friends Jeff and Brittany decided to get together for a trip to Valdez.  The big hope was that Valdez would get dumped with snow and we'd do some amazing powder skiing.  The reality was that Valdez got 90+ mph winds, so all the snow was scoured from the mountains.  We made the most of it, though, and Valdez is still beautiful, even with wind-scoured insanity.

The slow-ski trails in town were in good shape, so we spent some time on skinny skis.

In winter, the lake at the base of the Valdez Glacier freezes over, so you can walk out to check out the glacier.

I don't know if huge masses of ice like that will ever stop being incredible to me.

The Valdez Ice Fest was happening that weekend.  The day Jeff and I tried to find some snow Jess and Brittany took part in a women's ice climbing clinic.  Jess seemed to really like it.

Our last couple of days in Valdez we skied out to go camping in the mountains.  Though the visibility wasn't great, it was still nice to be out and sleeping in a tent.

The weather was actually quite warm for winter camping - one of the few times when it was enjoyable to sit in the camp kitchen and just hang out.

The ski out got a bit tough - we were rained on almost the whole way out.  Still, it was great to be around the mountains.