Saturday, February 24, 2007

Back from the Desert

Jeff and I both returned from deployments around the same time (Jeff to Iraq, myself to camp cupcake aka Saudi Arabia), so with some of our R&R time we headed down to Anchorage to ski the powder that had been dumping on Alyeska the whole time we were in the desert and do some backcountry skiing in the area. Sadly, when we showed up it had been getting above freezing for about a week during the day, resulting in boiler plate conditions on the slopes. So the Alyeska skiing wasn't great. We spent a couple of days touring around Hatcher Pass and a day at Turnagain Pass, though, where the snow was better (especially Hatcher) and the touring was good.

The temps were also warm down at Turnagain Pass, so the snow conditions weren't great there, either, but it was good to be out climbing in the mountains again.

The slope we climbed up.

Jeff schralping down the ice.

The Independence Mine district near Hatcher Pass. Hatcher had the best snow conditions of any on the trip, icy in some spots but pretty decent. The whole area is filled with easily accessible runs, for both skiers and snowmachiners.

Some old mine buildings in the Independence Mine.

Jeff skiing near the mine buildings.

Free heeling amongst the mine buildings.

We climbed up to this sweet little bowl. Off to the right, there were several slides where the sun hadn't been hitting the mountain so much, but in the sun conditions were good.

Jeff found a little backcountry jump...going for the 180.

Almost around.

King of the Mountain.

Jeff schralping down this field of pillowy rocks.

We headed down a chute to get down the backside of the bowl. If you look, you can see our tracks coming out the bottom of the third chute from the left.